Monte Carlo 76 – Marisela

Monte Carlo 76 was born in 2003 from the remains of keyboardist Gomez Comes Alive and guitarist Jeremy Keller’s former group Slowrider.  With the combined talents of co-producer Martha Gonzalez and luminous vocalist Marisa Ronstadt (second cousin of Linda), Marisela has a definitive feminine perspective, providing a subtle yet distinct departure from the previous album. Marisa is a South Phoenix native trained as a mariachi singer with a love for R&B, while Martha is a veteran of the East Los scene as a founding member of seminal band Quetzal. The addition of seasoned producer Quetzal Flores, also of Quetzal, lends the new album a fresh sound. Harmonica player Tex Nakamura (formerly of funk band, WAR) further solidifies the slow and low sound of Monte Carlo 76 without typecasting the band into the oldie but goodie set.

Release Date: January 5, 2008
Label: East LA After Dark

Services provided:

  • Production

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